Find inspiration and spark your next creative idea
A lot of my ideas are sparked in the shower. How about you?
While we’re all creative, sometimes it can be a challenge to conjure it up when you need it.
I often find that inspiration and the spark for being creative missing in action when I’m under stress, under pressure, tired, burned out, or overwhelmed with options. This may be coupled with the fact that the motivation just isn’t there.
We could call this a creative rut. Or, simply circumstantial. Either way, it’s not fun. Especially when your education or work depends on this creativity to show up consistently.
In these instances, we can’t wait months for it to return naturally. So, we must work a little (or not!) to bring it back a little quicker.
“Hot tip: Most, if not all, involve ignoring the quest to find it, which feels counterintuitive. But, it works!”
Here are my tricks to helping you find inspiration and spark YOUR next creative idea.
Consider your hobbies
Hobbies are things you like to do just for fun.
Diving into your hobbies for a bit can take your mind off the problem at hand, and put you in a more relaxed state; Relieving pressure to perform, eliminating stress, and being joyful in the moment. The perfect mindset for inspiration and creativity to hit!
Make note of what elements of those hobbies inspire you and why. Maybe there’s something in those details you can turn into your next big project.
Spruce up your home environment
Our homes are typically a place of rest & sanctuary. Even a place of work. Naturally, it should also be a place of inspiration where you can reference books, art, mementos that offer a sense of joy, relaxation, and creativity. However, if this space is messy, disorganized, and lacking in inspiration, this can have a negative impact on that creativity you’re seeking and even on your mental well-being.
By spending some time organizing or cleaning a specific space in your home that’s dedicated to creation, it can do wonders to making you feel good. Think about what inspires you, makes you smile, or showcases your personality to encourage that creativity to flow.
Get physical
Spending time in nature with my dog
Get out of your head and into your body could do wonders for your creativity. Whether it’s lifting weights, spinning, yoga, biking, or a simple stroll down the block, being physical is healthy and gives our brain a break.
A little bit of sweat and turning our brain off could be just the thing we need to spark a new idea.
Get into (& observe) nature
Nature is free and is always around you. Whether you go to a local park, hike a mountain path, or even enjoy your own backyard, getting into nature can be a way to spark your next creative idea. The best to way to enjoy it is without distraction.
Take your phone but leave it in your pocket. Let the singing birds be your music.
Stop along the way to take in everything around you.
Bring a notebook or sketchbook with you and jot down anything that you find interesting.
What stories can you tell about where you are? What lessons can you learn from nature’s ways?
Selfie during a Tofino storm on the beach
Travel somewhere new
When we get into a routine, our brain goes into auto-pilot and nothing is fresh or new anymore which can be stagnating.
Travelling to a new environment can wake your brain up and put you in the present moment which can lead to you absorbing new inspirations. (Just don’t appropriate!)
The new environment you travel to can be anything that is “new to you”. It can be a neighbouring town or city. Or, a trip to a new country! Tofino has proven to be one of those destinations that is ever-inspiring for me. It’s nature-gone-wild in this part of the Pacific Northwest, and there’s always something new to discover.
Sketch or make notes during your trip because you’ll never know what might spark a new idea when you return home. Often I’ll sketch something in the moment and it sparks an idea later, when I return home and have had some distance from the experience.
Spend time with friends or family
The conversations you have with others can be wildly inspiring. From the topics to the words used in conversation, you may be able to draw from this to spark your next big idea. If anything, you can relax, have a little fun, and forget about work or creating for awhile, which is healthy and refreshing.
Let your mind wander
Sometimes we have to give in and just do nothing.
This could be sitting in your backyard and observing what’s around you; The sounds, the smells, the sights. Having a shower or bath. Heading to a local coffee shop by yourself, without any phones, laptops, or books, and simply observe. If you’re into meditation, this might be the time to enlist that skill.
Let your mind wander. Observe. Be still. Be quiet. See what comes. And don’t forget to have that sketchbook handy!
Being inspired and finding your next big idea may not be the easiest thing to do at times. But the process can be practiced to ensure your best odds of capturing your creativity again.
A quick recap of ideas to spark your creativity and find inspiration:
Dive into your hobbies
Spruce up your home
Get physical
Go out into (& observe) nature
Travel somewhere new
Spend time with friends & family
Let your mind wander
I encourage you to give these a try and let me know what happens in the comments below. Or, if you have other practices you use yourself, let me know that too!
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