Throwing Shit at the Wall...
You will have to experiment and try things out for yourself and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That's all right, you are feeling your way into the thing. - Emily Carr
When life is so routine and so focused on being productive, you stop having fun and you stagnate. Getting your brain thinking in a different way, is key to kick starting the creative engine.
I've been feeling a little stagnant myself. The routine of life was taking over and the auto-pilot was kicking into high gear. When this happens, my creative brain shuts off and life gets boring. That can't happen! So the last couple of weeks, I've been making a conscious effort to lose myself in every hobby I ever enjoyed; Drawing, sketching, journaling, reading, gaming, cooking. Some, I haven't even thought of doing in years; like stepping into a library, or picking up a drawing utensil for the purpose of drawing a work of art, or journaling for the sake of recording any random thought or idea that comes to mind. Already, I've noticed a significant shift in my thinking and processes as if I'm unblocking the dam and water is slowly trickling through. All I had to do was move something.
Sketch from my random thought book
My only goal here is to create without judgement - for I am my worst critic. There is no agenda, no schedule, no design brief, or client to please. Just pick up a tool and go. I have no idea what I'm doing, what I'm going to create, what direction I'm headed. It's as if I'm throwing the proverbial shit at the wall to see what sticks.
It's a little too early to say what will stick and what will sluggishly slide to the shop floor but I'm intrigued by the mystery of it all.
I forget that this is how it used to be so, if anything, it's nice to get back to that.